Her Thoughts



One Day at a Time

Traumatic events and life-changing situations that happen create a sense of humility.

You begin to have a sense of mortality. You recognize that life is relatively short and you are to make the most of what you do have.

Hurricane Katrina – the tsunami in Thailand – the implosion of Enron – World Trade Center collapse – Covid Pandemic – the Great Resignation –

These global transformational life changing events have an impact. They bring your life into perspective, especially if you have lived through the trauma.

Many people comment: "I'm just taking it one day at a time," or "living one day at a time" or "counting my blessings day by day."

Here’s an alternative thought.

Why wait for the tragedies of life to bring you into balance and appreciation?

You can choose to count your blessings daily.

You can choose to make the most of every day.

You can choose to live every moment to the fullest.

You can choose to accept all opportunities that help you learn and grow.

You can choose to live a life, one day at a time, and appreciate every day the gifts you are given.

You don’t need a tragedy for that.