Her Thoughts



The One Question

Humans live in a dualistic system – everything has its polar opposite. Positive and negative ions exist from everything that is in this dimension including your own emotions.

You have a choice – as Shakespeare said, "To be or not to be, that is the question."

When you think about it, that is the only question you would ever have to answer to find meaning in your life. You have a choice:

To be a healthy productive person or not to

To find opportunities that enable you to achieve your goals or not to

To look for positive outcomes to situations or not to

To complain about everything that happens or not to

To see the balance in your life or not to

To study hard or not to

To apply what you know or not to

To persevere in light of challenges or not to

To give your best or not to

To challenge yourself or not to

To learn something every day or not to

To be accepting or not to

To love profoundly or not to